How Testimonial Videos Can Elevate Your Brand

Corporate Video Testimonial

No matter how good of a product your team has created, it will not effectively sell unless you can demonstrate its benefits to your customers. A proven way of accomplishing this goal is through testimonial video production. When your customers see a video outlining the perks of purchasing your product or service, they will be […]

How to Create an Effective Testimonial Video

Customer Testimonial Video

When looking at the options available when it comes to video production, it may seem intimidating. Do you create a product video? Perhaps a brand video? Explainer videos are always a necessity these days. However, one type of video always provides a high-level of return-on-investment and that is client testimonial video production.  Testimonials Lend Credibility Imagine […]

5 Ways to Grow Your Small Business with Video Production Today!

Small Business Video Production

Your Small Business Needs Video Production As a small business getting your product or service in front of customers is a constant challenge. From budgetary limitations to gaining your customers attention it can seem like the struggles never end. As a small business owner you may be asking yourself, what is the best way to […]

What is Video Production? The Complete Guide to Video Mastery

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What is Video Production? Video has fast become one of the dominant forms of communications in the marketing landscape. In fact,  80% of brand leaders say video content and digital video production is the best form of content marketing available. As such, it is necessary that brands understand the steps involved in video production. What is […]

Virtual Home Tours: Digital Open Homes

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House Hunting During a Pandemic Spring is normally the top season for home showings. However, with social distancing rules and non-essential business classifications, the real restate industry has faced massive challenges. 2020 was supposed to be a banner year for home purchases. New-home sales were predicted to grow to 750,000 (an 11% increase)that would put […]

Branded Documentaries: Gain Brand Equity by Showing, Not Telling

Branded Documentary Featured Image

Branded Documentaries: Show, don’t tell In a previous life, I was a script-reader for different studios in the film industry. In case you don’t know, a script-reader is someone whose responsibility is to read scripts that are submitted to the studio for consideration. We would grade them for marketability, story, character development, etc. In reading […]

3 Tips to Up the Game with Your Testimonial Videos

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Testimonial videos have long been a proven method for brands to gain traction with new and existing prospects.  After all, who better to sing the praises of your offerings than those who already use them? From blurbs on your website and social channels, to custom videos featuring your clients; testimonials are a great way to […]

When VR Met Customer Testimonial Videos

Talking Head Videos Master Pic for Venture Video Production Company

Sometimes they are called Talking Head Videos. Other times its called an Interview or a Testimonial Video. Regardless the name, it is one of the oldest and most reliable forms of corporate video production. However, no matter how well it is produced, the end-result can seem a little stodgy when put up against other forms […]

360 Video: Your First Shoot

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360 Video Production It seems that nowadays, everyone is talking about VR, Immersive, or 360-degree video. The new medium, and the technology that surrounds it, is everywhere. From high-end, Hollywood-level blockbusters to smaller, grassroots efforts like the New York Times on-the-ground VR news stories. However, with so many questions surrounding the proper protocols and practices […]

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The power of video, the consistency of an agency

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