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2020 Video Marketing Trends

A new decade is almost here! Discover what 2020 video marketing trends you need to know to inform your strategy and deliver results in the new year.

Social media, digital technology, and user generated content have all contributed to video becoming the dominant form of content marketing. In 2020 it is predicted that there will be close to one million minutes of video crossing the internet each second. Additionally, by 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all internet traffic. That is 15 times higher than it was in 2017. With video becoming such a necessary tool in the content marketers toolbox, we have taken a look at the latest video trends for 2020. From videos that directly engage the consumer, to content that allows users to move smoothly through the e-commerce funnel, video truly shows no signs of slowing down it’s progress as we enter the next decade.

Personalized Video

Everyone likes to feel special. As a brand, any chance that you get to single-out your customers and make them feel unique, is a win. Often times, that is very difficult to do. Particularly when you are going about mass communication strategies such as video marketing.  That is why Personalized Video is such a hot emerging video trend. 

Personalized video allows you to produce a high-end video, but customize a piece of it that is unique to your customer and branding.

In this example by Cadbury, a viewer is able to enter their name and upload a series of pictures which are then dynamically tracked and composited into the video. A link can then be shared with family and friends. So, not only do you have the original viewer engaging with your brand, but you also then have them sharing the link with their friends and family who, most likely, will want to create their own versions. 

The results of this campaign were click-through rates as high as 65% and conversion rates of more than 33%. With numbers like those, personalized videos should certainly be kept high on your list of 2020 video marketing trends to look out for.

Long Form Video

It is much easier to see than it is to explain. Whereas brands once found success in putting out whitepapers and lengthy blogs, now they are finding success in video. That is why the next video trend for 2020 is Long Form Video Content. 

Contrary to what many people think, consumers are not necessarily turned off by long content. Viewers want stories that are engaging, entertaining and offer them value that is worth their time. 

Energy and conservation can certainly be dry subject-matter. However, GE wrapped it in a truly engaging story with the MythBuster team. I’m willing to bet that someone is more willing to watch this 8-minute video than spend 8-minutes reading an article. 

Additionally, long-form video content also produces a ton of other content that can be gathered into other uses such as cutdowns, stills, social media content and more. Its the gift that keeps on giving the whole year round. For more information on long-form video content, check out the post on branded video documentaries.

Shoppable Video

The underlying 2020 video marketing trend amongst everything being presented here is story. Story is going to drive everything in 2020 and beyond. None more so than in the area of e-commerce.  With social media, brands have become humanized and customers now want to feel a connection to the products they buy. They don’t simply want to see something laid out on a website and click a button, they want to have a backstory along with it. 

Shoppable video allows brands to wrap their products in a dynamic backstory and give their products context to their customers. Take a look at this example of a shoppable video below.

Through shoppable video, consumers begin to feel more comfortable about their shopping behavior because its reinforced by the story. Additionally, the metrics of the video and the hoverable hot-spots add an entirely new level of measurability to e-commerce analytics. 

Video-First Platforms

As Generation-Z gets handed the baton as the dominant generation with buying power, more and more brands are going to seek out where they live. Channels like TikTok and Lasso offer micro-storytelling opportunities as video-first platforms and it opens up a ton of opportunities. When we get asked whether or not brands should use TikTok, we always say that it depends. If your key target is under 30, then absolutely. If you are also looking to come across as fun and let your hair down, then have at it.

These platforms will, undoubtedly, present many opportunities for brands to fall on their face just like Twitter did in their earlier days (Hoo-Boy). But, it will also present a chance for smart, capable companies to have fun, laugh at themselves, and connect with their fans. 

I highly recommend that everyone running a brand or brand social media account get on TikTok and just engage. Find brands that are doing it right. Doing it wrong. Our personal favorite is the Washington Post who is adding a bit of brevity and laughter into an institution and nation that needs a bit of both right now. 

Live Video and Brand Talk Shows

Facebook live was one of the biggest busts of 2017. Be that as it may, live-streaming is still an incredibly dynamic and engaging medium through which brands can reach their customers. By going live, brands have a direct-line to their customers for updates, to answer questions, receive feedback and more. Linkedin has launched their ‘Linkedin Live’ product for select individuals and are expected to take it wide in the first quarter of 2020. For B2B marketers this will represent a fantastic opportunity to directly reach and speak to consumers about your products and services.

Similarly, live video also allows brands to produce talk shows about their specific segment. Podcasts once held a differentiation in the marketplace. Now, however, it seems like every brand and company has a podcast. Video and live-streaming have opened up a true opportunity for engagement. This is via the creation of talk shows and live streaming events. These executions allow viewers to truly get a look at the brand’s culture and allow for a real and unique conversation.

2020 Video Marketing Trends: Looking Ahead

Year after year, video has continued to grow in popularity and effectiveness. 2020 appears to be no different. Regardless of the execution, whether its shoppable video, live video or TikTok, there is one necessary ingredient: story. Without story, no consumer is likely to engage or interact. 

So, Happy New Year and good tidings. Best of luck with all of your marketing plans. But, always remember, sell the heart with story and the wallet will follow. 

Venture is a full-service video content agency. We specialize in partnering with brands to create high-end and cost-effective video and digital content for web, social and traditional channels.

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