Customer Testimonial Video

How to Create an Effective Testimonial Video

When looking at the options available when it comes to video production, it may seem intimidating. Do you create a product video? Perhaps a brand video? Explainer videos are always a necessity these days. However, one type of video always provides a high-level of return-on-investment and that is client testimonial video production. 

Testimonials Lend Credibility

Imagine for a moment you are a customer trying to choose between two different companies. Company A’s website speaks to their product’s benefits, their accolades’, and their various features. Company B, however, does the same but also features a series of client testimonial video productions. These videos profile actual past and existing customers speaking of their positive experiences using Company B’s product. They feature testimonials from customers just like you facing similar business problems. 

When faced with choosing a company, which one do you feel presented a better argument for their product or service? The one that laid out the argument themselves, or the one that had their own satisfied customers do the talking for them?

Client testimonial videos have this incredible power of building a brand’s credibility, particularly in the interest and decision stages of the sales process. When budget dollars are hard to be had, a well-produced testimonial video can maximize your efforts and give you the largest bang for your buck. Here are some ways to produce the best product testimonial video around. 

Speak to Both the Pain and Relief

A customer testimonial video shouldn’t simply be your customers singing your praises. They should be an opportunity for the viewers to see themselves and their own problems reflected in the video. One key point that needs to be made; and this is very, very important…

Testimonial videos should not be fear-based. 

Humans are driven, in-part, by a section of the brain called the Basal Ganglia. This is the oldest area of our developed brain. Back when we were primitive cave men and women, this part of our brains were what kept us alive by alerting us to danger and activating our “Fight or Flight” response. Today, well, it can keep a customer away from your product or service.

You see, selling fear may seem like a good idea at first. Your product or service may prevent some truly scary things from happening. However, only appealing to someone’s fear will, ultimately, backfire. 

Testimonial videos have an amazing ability to allow a brand to alert potential buyers to the scary realities of the marketplace via their actual customers. These customers can then present a happy ending and you as the hero of their story at the same time. It is all about the pain and relief hierarchy of showcasing the product and benefits of your brand. In order showcase the pain-point, you have to deliver the relief in an equal or greater fashion.

What is Video Marketing

Be Sure to Show and Tell

When producing video content, you always need to make sure that you are keeping the viewer and their engagement in mind. To that end, nothing can be more boring than watching folks talk on-camera. Video marketing has to be more than just brochures in motion. As such, your video testimonial production needs to showcase a wide-variety of visuals. For examples, if your interviewee is speaking about how your product helped their team better communicate across teams: show that. Get b-roll footage of their teams in the office communicating better. Get footage of their employees using your product in action to intercut with the interview footage. 

Additionally, get dynamic footage of your product in-action. If your product is digital, no problem! Have whoever is editing the video intercut some quick cuts of your user interface or screen capture and quickly turn your client testimonial into a product testimonial as well.

Wrapping Up

Client Testimonial Videos are a fantastic way to lend credibility to your brand, product, and service. By focusing on solution that your product-rendered and adding visuals apart from the interview itself, you can be sure that your final video will be engaging as well as informative. 

Let Venture be your Denver video production solution. Give us a call or send us an email today to let us be a part of your video marketing initiatives. 

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